Jun 26Liked by Brandy Renee McCann

Here in the UK it is mid summer and my favourite time of day is when you have the half light, the twilight. Now we've passed the solstice it will start to come earlier each night. It's the quiet, sitting in the garden feeling the darkness coming in. It feels calming to me in a life that is often far from calm!

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yes, I love that time of day too <3

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Yes. I see it too!

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Oh Brandy, this is beautiful and just what I needed this morning. I’m a morning person almost everyday, even on the weekends I’m up at 5am or earlier. I love writing while the world wakes up, it grounds me. I too miss magnificent sunrises like the coast offers because there is a stand of woods to the east of my home, but that morning light is still very magical as it illuminates, especially on frosty mornings.

I have certainly felt the thinness of the veil this past month & have felt comforted by loved ones on the other side as I’ve delved into childhood memories. I will be sad next week with the turning of the year into Yule, but I feel ready for new beginnings. ❤️

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Is it just me or does the design in the wood look like Starry Night?

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Yes, I thought so too :-)

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